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Eugene & Greg


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A Real Love Story

     A little over a year ago we met, but we never thought in that moment we would be meeting the person we were going fall in love with, move across the planet for, and marry.  Neither of us were expecting it, but we guess that's how it works.  We still remember how nervous we were, wondering if the other felt the same, or if we’d be rejected. Luckily, we found out.  Greg went to Madrid with some friends for their annual Pride weekend and Eu-gene had been there for work all week and decided to stick around for the weekend with friends before heading home to Barcelona. We had both been at the same event Friday night but never saw each other.  It wasn’t un-til Saturday we met and didn’t separate the remainder of the weekend. We even skipped the rest of the events to just hang out away from the parties and crowds. When Eugene had to get the last train on Sunday night, we were so sad trying to say goodbye we didn’t call the Uber in time and Eu-gene missed his train by minutes, forcing him to call his boss and inform him of the bad news.  Luckily it was ok and Eugene worked in Madrid again Monday, so Greg met him for lunch (with his coworkers).  We were able to delay the inevitable, but it wasn’t enough. Monday night saying goodbye at the train station was like something out of a movie. Greg walked out of there heart broken and thinking he was never going to see this guy again and probably got played. 

     Since that day we never went a day without a phone call. We knew we had a big problem; our feelings for each other were impossible to reject yet we lived on different continents and we were both extremely well estab-lished in our careers.  We decided that if we wanted to be together, that we needed to see each other at least once a month and both be living in the same city by the end of the year, otherwise the long distance struggles would overtake us and it would all be for nothing.  Greg was excited of the possibility to move to Europe; however, without the ability to speak a second language would have been a struggle finding work in his field and position. Eugene was also willing and excited to move, but the unknown is a hard thing to move to.

   Coincidentally, Greg had already booked a trip to Barcelona the following month, which ended up turning into our first honeymoon, a 10-day Europe-an vacation in Barcelona, Venice, Florence, and Rome.  Meh, it was ok.  It was nothing short of amazing. We got along perfectly. Greg only rolled his eyes at Eugene once in over 10 days!  In September, Eugene came to Mi-ami for the first time. He was so excited, but he had one very tough test ahead of him... he had to win over the approval of someone very important, and if he didn’t, he knew he was history.  Luckily, Dax immediately loved his energy and allowed him into the home.  With that out of the way, Eugene was able to get excited to go to Disney World.  The smile on his face the en-tire weekend looked like that of a 4-year-old. Eugene also came back to Mi-ami in October to experience Halloween in America.  We couldn’t go to the party because Greg was sick but we always made the most of our little time. It was not easy trying to travel to see each other with our jobs and with all the responsibilities that we had, but we worked so hard that is made us ap-preciate the result much more.

      Greg flew to Barcelona for Thanksgiving in November. After spending a couple days in Spain, we decided to go somewhere we had both never been, and if you have ever read Eugene’s leg, you’d know that would have been a challenge.  They ended up deciding on Prague.  Unfortunately, somEonE forgot his passport whEn wE wEnt to thE airport, so wE missEd our flight.  I’m not going to mEntion any namEs, but he was pretty upset about it.  All was ok though, we decided to try again the following morning and we made it to Prague.  It was freezing cold, but it was a magical city which was able to put us in the mood for Christmas as we walked around town during our private guided night-time walking tour and visiting the Christmas Markets in every square, sipping hot mulled cider and wine, and eating EVERYTHING Greg could.  Our time was cut short in Prague, but we went back to Barcelona and Eugene got to show Greg one of the "small" lighting projects he got to be involved in inside the basilica, the Sagrada Familia.  There is only one word to describe that place, breathtaking.

     When Greg left Spain on December 2nd, we knew it was time to “pull the trigger” and make a very hard decision.  Is this working; do we stay togeth-er? Do we end it to both remain “comfortable” in our current lives? Does one of us move? Do we move more to a new city? Trust us, we discussed every option and considered them all seriously.  In the end you all know what de-cision was made though.  We decided to meet in Eugene’s home country of Ecuador and spend Christmas in Quito so Greg could meet all of Eugene’s family and friends.  It was an awesome trip and Greg really loved Ecuador and everyone he met.  After a week there, we flew home on December 30th in time to ring in the new year and our new life together with Dax in Miami.  I don’t have to tell you what happened next…. CORONAVIRUS. And if we still decided to get marriage after this quarantine together (and Greg finding out what a sick Eugene is like to take care of), believe me THAT’S TRUE LOVE! 
Now we are a family! 

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